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5 best new Co-op Survival games you haven't heard of

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Ever googled for "best survival games" just to be met with the classical Minecraft, Terraria, No Mans Sky, etc? No? Well I have and I'm bored of getting the same recommendations over and over.

So.. I decided to search for some interesting niche survival games that I haven't played yet and I'll share some of them here ๐Ÿข


Soulmask is a pretty new game on the list, but it's got a lot of potential.

This game has online co-op (up to 50 players) โœ…

You play as a wanderer trying to lift a curse. Every NPC you meet has their own tragic backstory, adding layers of depth to the in-game world.

The combat system is rather unique with a total of 8 different weapon types and 75 combat skills. The game rocks a gigantic handcrafted map (won't show it, cause we ain't gonna spoil you) with different biomes to explore, bosses to defeat and masks to collect.

The story of the game is very cryptic with deep NPC dialogue, hidden notes, and clues you can find in the environment. You have limitless building potential as well, as the building system is very similar to Valheim's.

Overall, it's a pretty interesting game, that's also packed with content.

Soulmask on Steam
Escaping a deadly sacrificial ritual, you find an ancient mystical mask on your journey. This mask holds potent knowledge, changing the world you knew. Face the harsh challenges of nature, survive, rally followers, and build your own tribe. Explore and unveil the truths behind the enigmatic mask.

Abiotic Factor

Abiotic Factor is a very unique game. You play a bunch of scientists stuck in an underground facility after a containment breach unleashes anomalies and interdimensional creatures.

This game has online co-op (up to 6 players) โœ…

What's so "survival" about this game, you may ask? Well, there's crafting, base building and resource management! You just do all that within the facility itself.

The item crafting system is also pretty unique, because you have to figure out the recipe's combination of materials to craft items.

Abiotic Factor on Steam
Abiotic Factor is a survival crafting experience for 1-6 players set in the depths of an underground research facility. Caught between paranormal containment failure, a military crusade, and chaos from a dozen realms, the worldโ€™s greatest minds must survive against the universeโ€™s biggest threats.


ASKA is very similar to Valheim, but more focused on building your own village with villagers you can boss around. There are a few bosses and harder to defeat enemies, but it's overall a pretty cozy game.

This game has online co-op (up to 3 players) โœ…

This game looks gorgeous and has a lot of potential. It's relatively new and there isn't a wiki for it yet, so you'll have to uncover most of its content yourself (or through youtube guides).

Definitely worth checking out if you like Valheim!

ASKA on Steam
Lay claim to unspoiled lands and pave the way for a fierce Viking tribe. Craft the ultimate settlement solo or together with up to x3 friends. Trust in the Gods and the power of the Eye of Odin and summon intelligent NPC villagers to provide camaraderie and relief from the toils of survival.


Aloft is a brand new cozy survival game (โ€ผ๏ธ released yesterday as of writing โ€ผ๏ธ), which takes place in the sky! Kind of like Stardew Valley, but instead, you explore the open sky.

This game has online co-op (up to 8 players) โœ…
You can turn any island into a flying ship

This game focuses more on base building, decorating, farming and cooking. You also have to protect ecosystems from a dangerous fungi virus.

It's a very cozy and casual game you can play with friends to relax after a long day of work (or resting from the grindset if you're a sigma male, of course ๐Ÿ’€).

Just gotta warn you, this game is in early access and as of writing this, has some optimization issues, so you might need a more beefy PC to play it. The developers are working on improving the game's performance though.

Aloft on Steam
Soar the skies in Aloft, the co-op sandbox survival game set in a world of floating islands. Build any island into a skyship, your home in the clouds. Find lost knowledge, cure the fungal corruption, and brave the hurricane to restore the ecosystem.

Voyagers of Nera

This game is planned to release in Q2 2025, but has a playable early access demo.

This game has online co-op (up to 10 players) โœ…

Voyagers of Nera is an open world, Breath of the Wild inspired survival game, based in the ocean. There are some cool unique mechanics such as surfing and swimming underwater (yes, there are underwater temples ๐ŸŒŠ).

Just like the other games, this game also has a very well developed building system, allowing you to build practically however you want.

It's totally worth checking out, especially if you're a BotW enjoyer (like me, although I haven't finished TotK yet).

Voyagers of Nera on Steam
Voyagers of Nera is a cooperative survival-crafting game where you must survive a magical ocean world brimming with lost spirits and deadly monsters. Sail to distant islands, build beautiful villages and surf across the waves with up to 10 players.

Conclusion & thoughts

Honestly, nowadays there are so many motivated indie developers that keep delivering awesome new games.

The current gaming scene isn't really dominated by AAA studios and the barrier to entry for creating your own game isn't that high anymore. If you're someone who really wants to make a game, don't be scared and go for it ๐Ÿข